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Lodge Organization

and history 

Our lodge was instituted March 17, 1926 on the 150th Anniversary of the Evacuation of Boston, on the Gun Deck of the Frigate U.S.S. Constitution to function as the Military Veterans Lodge of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts.


Organized for past and present personnel of the United States Armed Forces to cement by the ties of Freemasonry the bond that exists between servicemen.


Proudly, we bear the name of a hero of the American Revolution, a Bostonian, the first Secretary of War, and a Mason.

*Wor. Frederic Gilbert Bauer ....................1926 & 1927 abji A

*Wor. George Davis Moore .......................1928 b A

*Wor. Melville Frederick Cate .................. 1929 b N

*Wor. Charles Samuel Clifford ....................1930 b N

*Wor. Roland Everard Falls .........................1931 bgk A

*Wor. Max Harold Summerfield ............. 1932 & 1972 bhfg A

*Wor. Frank Spencer Elliot. ......................... 1933 bg G

*Wor. William Purcell ................................. 1934 b A

*R.W. Sydney Kenneth Skolfield .................. 1935 c A

*Wor. Charles Everest Robinson ................. 1936 A

*Wor. Melvin Bertram Summerfield ........... 1937 fgk A

*Wor. Charles Henry Sargent, Jr. ................. 1938 egi A

*Wor. Harry Lawrence Wiggin..................... 1939 b A

*Wor. Charles Tracy Cahill .......................... 1940 A

*Wor. David Dangel Freedman … ................ 1941 A

*Wor. Charles Joseph Perry ......................... 1942 A

*Wor. Henry Barnett Robertson .................. 1943 g M

*Wor. Edward Bancroft Pratt ...................... 1944 g A

*Wor. David Harold Hickey .......................... 1945 b A

*R.W. William Walter Wade ...................... 1946 be A

*R.W. Chauncey Dean Merrill ..................... 1947 cdhg A

*Wor. Irwin Buchsbaum ............................. 1948 A

*Wor. Mervyn Ernest Clark ......................... 1949 N

*Wor. Henry Malcolm MacLeod ................. 1950 gi A

*Wor. Carlton Walton Crocker, Jr. ............... 1951 N

*Wor. Samuel Herman Slesinger ................. 1952 A

*Wor. Summer Wilson Elton ....................... 1953 A

*R.W. Alden Arthur Osgood..1954, '55, '74, '88 & '89 cefi A

Wor. Philip Arnold Rubin ............................ 1956 & 1957 fg A

*Wor. Arnold Glasser .................................. 1958 A

*Wor. Davis Goodwin Maraspin ................. 1959 N

Wor. Donald Angus MacLeod ..................... 1960 g N

*R.W. Alvin Morris Steinberg ...................... 1961 icg F

*R.W. Roger Alfred Vint............................... 1962 eghl A

*R.W. Thomas Knudson .............................. 1963 cf N

*Wor. Aaron Glasser ................................... 1964 A

*Wor. Samuel Shedlow................................ 1965 A

*Wor. William Wilson Storey....................... 1966 C

*Wor. Albert Livingston Biller...................... 1967 A

*R.W. Meyer Weker ................................. 1968 & 1976 efig A

*R.W. Alan Herbert Klein ............................ 1969 e A

*Wor. William Frederick Greene ................. 1970 fi N

*Wor. George Ober Richardson………….....….1971 g A

*Wor. Ira Smith……………….................………...1973 fi A

*R.W. Vincent Taft Estabrook ...................... 1977 e A

Wor. George Edward Durfee, Jr. ................ 1978 & 1979 A

*R.W. John Martin Kandres….1980 & '81 & '90 & '91 cf A

*Wor. Willis Junior Rice ............................... 1982 & 1983 M

*R.W. Franklin Newell Cunningham ........... 1984 & 1985 ci N

*Wor. David Paul Kopech............................. 1986 A

*R.W. Clifford Franklin Howe ....................... 1987 cf N

*Wor. Frank Chandler Merrill ...................... 1987 1

Wor. David Albert D’Agostino ..................... 1992 & 1993 A

*R.W. Donald Francis Tabbut........ 1994 & 1995 & 1998 cfi N

*Wor. Donald Sumner Robinson.................. 1996 & 1997 fi A

Wor. Arthur Edmond Gagnon ..................... 1999 & 2000 A

Wor. Michael Joseph Reardon .................... 2001 & 2002 A

Wor. Bruce Morton Newman….....2003 & '04 & '05 & '06 fi A

Wor. Charles Rogers Austin ........................ 2007 I A

Wor. Wayne Henry Livermore............. 2008 & 2009 & 2014 A

Wor. Khalil George Laham .......................... 2010 & 2011 A

Wor. Ronald Carlton Higgins ...................... 2012 & 2013 fi N

R.W. Philip Anthony Nowlan ............... 2015 & 2016 cimno A

Wor. John Francis Hickey………..............….….2017 A

Wor. Philip Andrew Dubey……...........…..….2018 & 2019 A & M

Wor. Eric L. Wipfler.................................... 2020 & 2021 M

Wor. William Peterson..............................2022 & 2023 F

Wor. Ken Longo ......................................2024 io A


* Deceased

(a) Founder

(b) Charter Member

(c) Past District Deputy Grand Master

(d) Junior Grand Warden

(e) Grand Representative (1954)

(f ) Past Master of Lodge of Instruction

(g) 50 -year Veteran’s Medal

(h) Henry Price Medal

(i) Joseph Warren Medal

(j) Jeremy Ladd Cross Medal (NH.)

(k) 50 year Past Master

(l) Honorary Past Master

(m) Past Dean MLI

(n) Past Grand Steward

(o) Chair, Lodge of Instruction


(A) Army

(N) Navy

(M) Marine Corp

(F) Air Force

(G) Ma. National Guard

(C) Coast Guard

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